Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Moving on with ICT....the use of a Wiki as a collaborative tool


This site is an example of a wiki. A wiki is a a document on the internet that can be publicly accessed by everyone, with anyone able to contribute. There are usually different postings mades by different people. Questions of reliability of information arise when everyone is able to contribute. Also when postings are made anonymous, it becomes unclear whether the information given is from a valuable and reliable source. It is a document stored on a server which is formed by a group of people, which can be changed, edited and added to at anytime.
It is a development from basic ICT processes such as email for the transferring of information. Wiki's are a from of E-learning at level 2.0, which has increased from the 1.0 level. This could be a fairly valuable tool for students, as it is online communication of information and lesson content, it is easily accessed from home and all students can have a say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good day, sun shines!
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